
December 19, 2010


On Friday I was sitting at the back of work doing Tabs (not the gambling kind) when I heard my tutors voice at the front desk. I heard her ask someone if I was in, so I stood up and ran out to her. I had a feeling she was there to talk to me about IATA (International Air Transport Association). It was a 2 week topic we studied at course involving alot of work!! At the end we had to sit an exam that we were all dreading but did anyway.

To begin with you had to sit a test to be able to do IATA. It had strict rules throughout the subject, which resulted in alot of hair loss. Anyway back to the story... I said 'hi' to Janine (the tutor) and saw that she was holding a large envelope. I asked if it was IATA and she just smiled and said "congratulations, you passed"!!!

Now I am fully qualified!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can have any job in the tourism industry!!! YAY! hehe.

December 11, 2010

The Cutest Thing!!!

This weekend Ben came to Dunedin. Friday night I told him how it had been nearly a year since I walked on the beach, so Ben suggested we went on Saturday. Unfortunately we couldn't because we didn't have time and the weather forcast wasn't looking good and Sunday I had to work.

I went to work today and saw Ben on my lunch break and about 5 minutes before he had to catch the bus home. He told me he had a surprise waiting for me at home... I spent the rest of my day fidgeting and watching the clock.... Eventually it hit 6:30pm and I was able to leave work. When I got home, this is what I found on my bedroom floor...

Ben made my very own beach at home!!!
On top of the sand he left a note for me... I couldn't help but shed a few tears. The note was SUPER cute and the whole idea behind the surprise was definitely sweet.

It's nice to know that boys can still be cute and romantic.. when they want to hehe.

THANK YOU BABY!!! xoxoxox

December 2, 2010

On The Hunt

A few months ago; Stacey, Tereinamu and I decided we were going to flat together. Their current lease ends at the end of the month and mine ends in February... So we have been on a crazy hunt for a place to live.... Along with the help of Paula (Stacey and Ben's mum). It's almost time for Te and Stacey to countdown the days til they move out so things are getting a little hectic!!!!

We currently only have 1 flat that we're happy to live in... But it has it's let downs so we're keeping our options open. What do you think of it...

The picures make it look good... But thats the same with EVERY house. It's not the flashest house but we can make it our own with bits and peices here and there.

Today Paula and I went to look at another flat... IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! The floor boards were so squeaky and one room didn't even deserve to be called a bedroom!!! So afterwards, we drove up and down plenty of streets, keeping an eye out for signs offering a house to let. So when I got home, I went and looked at the house next door to mine.

This one is 3 flats in 1 house. I wasn't impressed with it... But then again it could have been the tenants. It was a mess. A cupboard door was missing, the oven looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years, the bathroom was slightly bigger than the width of a door frame (and not to mention GROTTY), I could hit my head on the roof if I was in the shower. The only thing I was impressed of was the size of the bedroom. They weren't HUGE but they were bigger than  I thought they would be.

Anyway...Here's hoping we find somewhere soon!

November 29, 2010


On the 26th of November 2010 I officially graduated from my course at Sir George Seymour College of Tourism and Travel. It was only a 1 year course, but it was hard work! It was full on study (some of it not the hardest work). It was also ALOT of fun!!!!

Everyone became so close, lifelong friendships were made, memories we will never forget, a new experience gave everyone an insight we could never imagine, appreciation was given to those who deserved it, the determination built up after a look into the industry no-one else could give us and most importantly... a watchful eye and helpful hand were always behind us as we discovered the big bad world all by ourselves.

It was a good day for Graduation. I had been working that morning at the cruise ships at the port, I met alot of nice people so I put myself in a good mood for the rest of the day. Ben came to Dunedin for the weekend and to come to Graduation, along with his mum and Stacey (who already live in Dunedin).

There were alot of speeches and a couple of performances. Cameron (a guy in my class) sang a really sweet song and brought myself and others to tears. Even though he forgot some of the words, I don't think anyone really cared less... We were all caught up in the meaning of his chosen song.

After the awards were handed out, it was time for a quick snack and drink (along with a couple of goodbyes) then it was off to The Terrace for Dinner with Ben, Paula and Stacey (Ben's shout hehe).

This year has definitely been a big one for me. I moved out of home at the age of 17, I moved to a city I had never been in for longer than 2 days, I started fresh - A new course, new friends, new family and new experiences. All of which I am a little sad about not having my own family around to see me accomplish everything and try new things for the first time. It's sad to say goodbye to my new friends, but I know that in this industry, I'm bound to see them again... Whether it's on a plane, in a travel agency, on a cruise or even walking down the street.

If any of my fellow Sir George students took the time to read this.... Best wishes for the future, aim high and don't forget your dreams xox.

November 22, 2010

A Long Awaited Movie Review

It has been ages since my last movie review.... So please forgive me if you have already seen these movies long gone from the "big screen".


It was a really lousy day - typical Dunedin winter weather - so Ben and I decided to go to the movies. I had been really wanting to see this movie (all because of the scene with the little girl "It's SOOO fluffy!!!"). So I dragged Ben into the theatre full of kids (not that he was reluctant to begin with) and we watched it. It was full of "awwww" moments and a few funny ones as well, but at the end the movie made me feel like I was too old for kids movies (being a kid at heart; I hated feeling like that). I came to the conclusion that this movie was good, but not THAT good. It was SUPER cute but didn't really appeal to my sense of humour. Unfortunately Ben had the same feeling as well and he walked out totally unimpressed with my movie decision.... Oh well hehe.


So some of you might remember watching the cartoon series on Nickelodeon as a kid... If not then you might not understand entirely what this movie is about just by reading my blog. THE STORYLINE: This movie was set years ago. It's based upon a boy (thousands of years old) named Aang who is the Avatar (someone who can control all the elements - earth, air, fire & water). Years before the time where the movie is set, Aang went missing and left the world to turn to chaos. Years later when he comes back the Fire Nation are trying to pretty much take over the world and Aang has to stop them and put "balance" back into the world. Unfortunately Aang has only mastered the element of Air and needs learn the other elements before taking on the "fire lord". So with the help of Katara & Sokka he begins his journey to do so.
Unfortunately this movie is only the beginning. The cartoon series are broken up into a series of "books". This movie (I think) is only the first one. So when I went to this movie with my friends Jack & Leon, I got really into it because it was long beforehand that I had seen all the episodes with Stacey. I knew all the characters and roughly what was going to happen. The only frustrating thing was that their names were pronounced differently AND if finished before I was ready for it!!! All in all... it was a good movie =D 3 stars from me maybe...


THIS MOVIE WAS AMAZING!!!! - that is all -
No, seriously... This movie met all my expectations. It was full of Hollywood Legends - Sylvester Stallone (who also co-wrote the movie), Jason Statham, Jet Li, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis PLUS MORE - and plenty of action!!! The storyline was good and the guys still know how to please an audience =D
Definitely a MUST see movie for any action lover or admirer of the old boys!


This movie was FUNNY!!!! I will be completely honest, when this movie was first advertised to be released, I had no idea that Mr. T came from the A-Team and I wasn't too fussed if I didn't get to see this movie. I never went to the movies to see it though. I ended up watching it at a friends place (totally legal of course). In my opinion this movie would've been good in the cinemas. I thought of it as an action packed comedy!!! It had great actors and made me laugh so much. And the plot... was good. The ending of the movie was a bit different but during the break down (when they were getting the bad guy) I was really pulled in. The way it was all thought out was pretty cool. Four Stars =D

November 13, 2010

A New Chapter In My Beautiful Life

Hello Readers =]

So in case you haven't noticed from the title of my blog... I am SO SO SO SO happy hehe.
I have been waiting for ages to blog about it... So here I go...


Yeap, I'm engaged to my boyfriend of nearly 3 years. Two weeks ago (the last time Ben was here) I had to go on some tours to the Peninsula for the day. While I was away Ben went and brought the ring, and when I got back I was freezing. So what did I do? I put my hands into his pockets and felt the box!!! I was so surprised that he had it. We had spoken of marriage before and to be honest, he had asked me on my 18th birthday if I would marry him (it was his form of a birthday present). I only told a few friends but it wasn't official because we obviously didn't have a ring.

Anyway back to the story!!! I just pretended I hadn't felt it... Even though Ben clearly knew I had. He then took me out for dinner and all I could think was "Please don't ask me here or else everyone will see me cry". Of course because I'm naturally a shy girl, being asked to marry someone in public isn't my kinda thing (although I wouldn't be 100% against it). We then made our way home, it had been a big day for me and all I really felt like doing was curling up in bed with a hot cuppa. We got home and then Ben took the box out of his pocket. It was wrapped in shiney wrapping paper with a ribbon bow on top. I unwrapped it, being careful not to rip the paper and just took my time. Once the box was out I gave it to Ben and asked him to open it. He opened the box and all I could do was smile and feel my eyes begin to water. He then said a giant speech in a very quiet, calm and steady voice. Every word he said just made my legs turn to jelly, my smile get bigger and of course release the flood gates.

White Gold and Diamond =]

So its clear what happened next... I said yes, I cried, we hugged, we kissed and I became the HAPPIEST girl ever!

This weekend after alot of thought on how and when to tell the family... we finally did it. I wasn't with Ben when he told his dad but I don't think it was a bad reaction. We saw his mum yesterday and as soon as I saw her I felt like hiding under a rock. The nervousness had finally kicked in and I didn't want one bar of it. We went out for coffee and then Ben dropped the bomb. Beforehand she was freaking out that I was pregnant, but once we told her, she just smiled and was extremely happy for us!!! I don't think I will ever forget her reaction. Tonight however, I told my parents... There reaction wasn't as good as Paula's (Ben's mum), but they were happy for us. Their only advise... Don't rush into the wedding. Oh and my dad "I expect Ben to ask for my permission when you come home, but I'm happy for you, but I expect him to ask". I just laughed which made him laugh too.

This all reassured me in some way. I feel so blessed to have a family that now understands I'm not a little girl anymore, and they trust my decisions. And to feel a great sense of welcoming into Ben's family and as though my future (our future) is nothing but bright. To have our families support really has made me so much happier. And I can't wait for the planning and stress of a wedding hehe.


November 10, 2010

My New JOB!!!

A few weeks ago I applied for a job at the Dunedin I-Site (Visitor Centre). The interview was short and I thought not so sweet. I thought I had made a complete idiot of myself in the interview, and during it, I decided I didn't want the job anymore. It sounded dull and no-where near what I really wanted to be doing and it was only a seasonal contract (from November to March). The only plus was a reasonable pay of $17.00 an hour. I left the interview, not really caring that I thought I had mucked it up. A couple weeks later Louise (The Boss) called to offer me the job!!! I had been doing some talking with my parents and Ben to see what their views on it was. And I decided to take it. After all it would look good on my CV.

Sometime last week, Jess (a girl from course who also got a job there) and I went to the I-Site to talk to Louise. She told us everything we needed to know and informed us that our first of three training days will be on the 9th of November. So we walked away very excited (which was a bit of a surprise). Last weekend, I received my contract in the mail and I didn't hesitate reading every last detail. Turns out I get paid $19.60 an hour!!!! And get paid fortnightly. AND my contract doesn't end until the 5th of April 2011.

On Tuesday I had my first training day at work. It was so much fun!!! Jess and I couldn't stop saying how excited we were although we didn't really do alot. We got shown how to handle the brochures and where they were all kept, we got taught about the most common tours and got to sit with some of the ladies and watch them work. At the end of the day we were put on a tour of the city and got to visit an old house called Olveston.

It use to belong to a rich family who had a knack for importing furniture from everywhere in the world... and to be entirely honest, hearing the story behind the furniture was the only entertaining thing about the tour (other than the gardens).

Yesterday (Wednesday) I had my second training day. We started at 9AM and by 10, we had finished everything that had been planned for the day!!! So Peter (the 2IC) sent us on a walking tour of the city. I felt so bad for the tour guide. There was only Jess and myself and I just wasn't paying any attention. It was a stinking hot day so I didn't feel like talking, I had already heard most of the information or wasn't interested in the place OR the information he was telling me that I hadn't heard just didn't appeal to. I think he knew I wasn't very interested so he seemed to feel a bit awkward which was another reason of why I didn't enjoy it. Straight after the tour we had lunch, and straight after that Jess and I went on a tour to Larnach Castle.

We did a tour of the castle which I actually enjoyed. The castle was built by William Larnach and to hear the story of his family was almost like an episode of Coronation Street or whatever soap you watch.... The scandals that went on hehe. After the tour Jess and I lounged by the fountain. It was too hot to roam the beautiful gardens Larnach Castle is well-known for.

At the end of the day... It was great and I can't wait til next week when I have my next training day!!!

November 7, 2010

There's A First Time For Everything

Hello readers/other bloggers!!

So my life up to date.... Well to start off with... I went to town lastnight for the very first time!!! I went with my friends Tereinamu and Stacey (the girls who I will be living with next year). We started off with quiet drinks at their flat and watched a couple of movies... Which reminds me.. I need to do a movie review sometime soon. At midnight we were off to town!!! I wasn't really in the mood though, I just felt far too tired and exhausted to be in a cramped, hot club squashed between my friends and complete strangers. Stacey has a cold so she didn't really want to either but we decided we would go for an hour then go home. So we did the mission to the city centre... First stop was a place called "The Break". Stacey informed me that it was an alright place however it played it's fair share of average music. It cranked the latest songs along with the oldest (along the lines of Livin La Vida Loca by Ricki Martin).The cool thing about the break was it's different level's on the floor for people to dance on!!! I'm not exactly a big dancer so I felt a little out of place on the dancefloor. I ended up seeing some friends from course so I went to the bar and with them to buy a drink. Once that was downed I was perfectly capable of dancing!!!

Tereinamu (Te), Stacey and Me at The Break

So we moved on from there and made our way to "The Metro". However there was a HUGE line outside the door and I don't exactly like waiting outside in the cold so Stacey and I left Te with some of her own friends in the line while we went to "10 Bar". While we lined up (in a much smaller line may I add) I saw my friend Nikole in the bar beside us so I waved her out and she joined us. The 10 bar looked so cool when I walked in. From what I could see.. it was 2 stories. We made our way down to the dancefloor and as we pushed our way through the crowd a random guy grabbed my hand to dance, I just took my hand out and said no BUT as soon as I did that another guy took my hand... I snatched it back and out of nowhere said EWW!!!! We found a spot for the 3 of us to dance, then a random guy started to dance behind me and grind!!! I felt so guilty because I have a great boyfriend so I looked at Stacey and she instantly squeezed between me and the guy (THANK YOU).

Afterwards we went to POP which was pretty much dead so we went back to the break where we danced for a bit before Nikole went home. We then made our way to the "Monkey Bar" which I felt a little odd about because it's in an old church. We went inside and Stacey saw an old friend of hers. While she jumped up and down, screamed and climbed all over him I was left to stand by myself and just smile... Which made me an easy target for the next poor soul I had to shoot down. A really nice guy (not a bad looker and still young) came over and said "would you like to dance?"  I replied "No, sorry =S" THEN he said "Aw that's ok, it's just... you're very beautiful". I had to give the guy some credit... he did say beautiful instead of your everyday "sexy/hot/fine blah blah blah". A couple of minutes later one of his friends walked over and said something to me but I was unsure of what he said so I just shrugged and he walked away.

So the last place we went was "South Bar" which was my other favourite behind 10 Bar. The layout was really cool!!! And it had a seperate room which was sound proofed! South Bar wasn't very full though so we just walked in and walked out. By now we started to make our war back to the taxi stand to go home. We met to at the taxi stand and had to wait in a line for 30 odd minutes for our turn to get into a taxi!!! When I got home I got a "good morning" text from my boyfriend Ben, who was getting up for work (he's a dairy farmer). I checked the time and it was 3:45AM!!!! So much for an hour!!!

Overall I had an absolute blast!!! I felt bad for saying no to the guys but I'm sure it wasn't the first time a girl rejected them that night... I guess I really was just a newbie hehehe.

October 17, 2010


... When we arrived to the awards we got to walk the red carpet... I think we were the first ones there. Before we could go inside I (while everyone else yelled into the mic) had another interview with Drew.

Once we got inside, I asked my friend Leon for my camera which I had given to him to hold onto before we got out of the Hummerzine... BUT he didn't have it... Which means someone on the side of the red carpet reached into his pocket and stole it while he was shaking peoples hands!!!! I wasn't too annoyed at the time, but just the other day, I was lying in bed and realised just how P'd off I was. At the awards, I was in a good mood so I just let it slide...

Once we got inside... The real FUN began. It took a while for the awards to start but that didn't matter because in the mean time, we were eating, drinking and being merry. The night went smoothly... I met heaps of cool people and all my friends enjoyed themselves... some a little too much... But thats ok, I told myself not to care and by the end of the night; I didn't.

After the awards.. and afterparty, we all went back to the hotel. Most of us stayed apart from 2 who wanted to go to town, so off they went while the rest of us finally got some rest. The next morning Jack, Stacey and I woke up and rounded up the group for a buffet breakfast (mmmm yum) then a dip in the pool to wake ourselves up. Then it was time to pack so we could check out by 12:00pm and go to the airport to fly back home.

Overall I had a GREAT time but was sad my boyfriend couldn't make it (why did he have to be younger than me!!!!)... And from now on... I'm entering more competitions!!! Who knows, once a winner always a winner????


October 11, 2010


Tehehe.... A few weeks ago I was watching tv and they mentioned a competition to be King of the red carpet at the VNZMA'S. You win the chance to be treated like a VIP along with 9 friends of your choice. Everything was paid for - accommodation, flights, airport transfers, a hummerzine to the awards, buffet breakfast, hair and makeup for the girls/massage for the gents.... THE LIST GOES ON!!!
So all I had to do was enter my details online along with a photo of my best pose.

Last Monday while on my lunch break at course, I got a phone call from C4 Studio's to tell me I was a finalist and to leave my phone on between 4-6pm incase I won. They said Drew Neemia (the host of select live) would call me live on tv if I won!!!!! So whatever we were learning afterwards....went straight over my head!!! I sped walked home at 4 and sat infront of my tv waiting for the phone call!!! (not that I knew I was the winner...But I had everything crossed!) 5PM rocked around and I was patiently watching the tv and watching music video clips I couldn't care less about at the time. Then Drew announced they were calling the winner!!! I heard the phone dial...then ring....then my phone ring!!!!!!
I answered and all I could do was jump around in my room and try not to scream too loud into the phone. As soon as I was off the phone I had an emence amount of txt/phonecalls/facebook messages from everyone saying congratulations...and the most important question... WHO was I going to take????
I already had a couple of people in mind....But to choose 9 was just hard!!! But by Tuesday morning, I had all 9 people on my list... All of whom... Jumped at the opportunity to come.

1 - Nikole
2 - Cameron
3 - Stacey
4 - Tereinamu
5 - Leon
6 - Jack
7 - Heidi
8 - Jess
9 - Claire

So on Thursday morning my friends Leon, Jack and I were up and about at 4:30AM!!!! Then we were off to pick Stacey and Te (Tereinamu) up at 5:30 to be at the airport by 6!!!! Everyone were there on time and Stacey and Te were the first to leave Dunedin for Auckland at 6:50AM...The rest of us left at 7:20AM and met in Auckland at 10:30. We then had trouble looking for our way out of the arrival gate to the baggage claim...but we made it... Then found the shuttle driver with my name on a board.

He took us straight to the hotel... The Hyatt Regency (5 STARS!!!!!)

We checked in and then settled into our rooms before going out for lunch. I ended up sharing with Jack who is from the Chatham Islands (same place as me) and also happens to be best friends with Ben. We then went out to lunch in town. Most of us went to Wendy's (THE BURGER ONE!). It was my first time to try it so it was pretty memorable hehe. My friend (Missy) from the hostel I was boarding in last year (who I hadn't seen since she left half way through last year) came to see me too. After about an hour Missy, Leon and I left the others to go back to the hotel so I could get ready for an interview I had with Drew.
Missy said goodbye, then Leon and I were off. The interview was so much fun!!! I met Drew and couldn't stop smiling. Straight after that we met everyone back at the hotel and all of us girls got our hair and makeup done while the guys got their massage. That took about 3 hours in total!!! We then got changed into our suits/dresses and met back at the spa to arrive to a trolley of Champagne on ice with Magnum Ice creams!!!


After a glass or two each and a billion photos we all went to see the ONLY HUMMERZINE that was ours for the night...well part of the night anyway.

September 22, 2010

My Summary of 2009

So I was just looking at my ANCIENT bebo page...just for the sake of it. And found this blog that I wrote at one point of my life... So thought I would write it here for me to remember.

2009?what to say. Well it wasn?t the best of years, 2008 still tops my list, but it was a good year and just like any other one, it had its high lights and its low lights (if that?s what you call them). I went back to school to start 6th form?ahhhh the torturous yet amazing year 12 clan of 2009.

With the start of a new year came the start of bigger responsibilities. My fellow year 12 boarders and I faced being the ?seniors? of The House. NCEA level 2 required a lot more effort in school along with the expectations of my teachers and not to mention my once scary dean, Ms. Robinson.

2009 was a very hard year. I feel like too many tears were wasted, too many smiles were taken for granted and trust and honesty were really put to the test. I apologise now for losing the friends I had and pushing those away who I never truly gave a chance. Some of the things I had done would not have been possible without my once then friend/s (you know who you are). The most valuable lesson I have learnt from my friends in 2009 was? ?I am nothing without my friends?. Yes, sounds a little emo and self-pitying but its true. My friends were always there to help me, and I wish there was some way I could?ve returned the favor (I.O.U).

2009 was not all bad; I made some of the best friends I could ever ask for (you GUYS know who you are too) and I would like to acknowledge them right now?

Leon Heydenrych (I?m sure that?s how you spell it lol) ? my taxi haha. You are one of the coolest guys I?ve ever met, I truly am lucky to have taken the opportunity to get to know you (considering the circumstances). I miss you like mad, and you so have to visit me in Dunedin coz I don?t think I could survive not having you in my life (yes honest).

Marco Zeelie ? Well I didn?t know you for as long as I would?ve hoped to but that?s ok, coz now I have plenty of time to still talk to you. Your incredibly funny!!! And always make me smile?especially when strawberries are involved (haha that?s not meant to sound kinky btw). Yes I gave you your first strawberry (and that is a memory I hope you will remember every time you eat one mwahahaha).

Emily McLaughlin ? I?ve known you for 2 years, but 2009 is when I believe we made a true connection (sound gay yet? Haha). There are so many memories I have with you, and I will always (hopefully) remember them. Whenever I?m scared, I?ll be sure to think of you. And whenever I need a good ?ol cry, you?ll be the first to know =]

They?re just a few from the top of my head.

The downs of 2009???

Well lets see, my first friends of TGHS and I had a bit of a falling out, but I had people to fall back on straight away. Good ?ol Emily and the gang were there and took me under their wing, so thanks a lot guys. You made me feel like I wasn?t totally hated and like nothing had happened in the first place. With every fall, comes a helping hand (well I?d like to think so).

And Lily Muir...I can?t forget you. Coz you were there in between all the shit and you stayed strong and never judged. You helped me then, and you still do. Please don?t forget me easily, coz I won?t forget you. I wanna keep in touch as much as possible this year.

Now the trusty Chatham Islanders who have been there all my life?

You made 2009 special in your own little way. Cheyenne, Tazmin, Porsha, all you guys and the rest of you chickies? Thank you! You have been there when I needed you, and for that, I am grateful. I love you all so much, and you will always have a spot in my heart.

So 2009 was eventful. There were so many things that happened in my life. And I am saving the biggest for last. I believe you shouldn?t regret things for too long (it can be unhealthy haha). Life is for living, and that is what I am trying to do. I want to move forward in my life and some of my biggest decisions were made in this year.

I made the decision to not return to school for 7th form and instead further my education at a college based on tourism. This meant I would leave home and face the ?big bad? world all on my own. So I am spending my summer bracing myself for the impact of independence. If I thought I was lonely now?just wait (right?). But if I have learnt just one thing from one of the most important people in my life: it is to be POSITIVE.

This leads me to the grand finale of 2009, my last thank you, goodbye and cherished moments go to this one person. Ben Boys; what to say about him? He touched my heart the way nobody else could. He made me smile when the world was getting me down and he let me feel the way I wanted to feel when I was too ashamed to let others see. However, all was not butterflies and flowers with this guy. We definitely had our bum moments. But he would always say the same thing, ?be positive?. My response was usually ?What?s so good about this/that?? but thinking about it now, I know. Ben taught me some pretty valuable lessons and he probably doesn?t even realise it.

Unfortunately, 2009 saw the end of our relationship. But saw a budding friendship instead. It was definitely hard and I don?t expect 2010 to be easier, but I expect it to be greater!

All I can say now, after reading 2010 is definitely BETTER! And Ben and I...for those who don't know... Got back together about a month after this was written :)

September 19, 2010

The Big 1.8!!!!!

Well on September 7th 2010 I officially became legal to drink!!! Until the law changes (whenever the hell that'll be) anyway. I turned 18 and had the best birthday in ages!!!!

I woke up at 6.15AM due to my Aunty Irene calling to say happy birthday. Where she is, it was 7AM so she was getting ready for work. We had a good catch up and she made me miss her (and home) so much. She ended up conning me (more like threatening) into giving her my bank account number and she put $100.00 into my account.

It was a Tuesday, so I thought course started at 10AM....but I was wrong... I rocked on in at 10 on the dot, and everyone was already in class!!!! Turns out that on Monday the week before (the day I wasn't at course) the tutors told the campus that class would start at 9AM on Tuesday's from now on!!! Thankfully, the tutor understood my predicament and didn't mark me absent!!! Yay for AnneMarie!!!

Course went well, although the weather wasn't great. Afterwards I came home and chilled for a bit before going to my friends; Stacey and Tereinamu's for dinner. Te (Tereinamu) cooked a delicicouse Shephards Pie!! mmm and Stacey made a yummy Chocolate and Banana Cake with Cadbury Crunchie chocolate in it!!!!

Then I came home...and had a peaceful FULL NIGHTS sleep for a change!!!
Yay for my birthday hehehe... Now to sort out my ID so I can go out with my friends!!!

Oh yes that predicament...The day after my birthday, I tried to apply for an 18+ card (an ID card proving my age)...I had my "birth certificate" and everything...I took it in for a soliciter to sign then BAM!!! it slapped me in the face...Turns out my birth certificate was really a "Proof of date of birth certificate" and couldn't be used for things like that (including my drivers license, passport and it shouldn't have even gotten me into my course!!!). So I got home that day and called my parents...Turns out they didn't have any other documents...So I had to order a new birth cert!!! Which finally came in the mail yesterday!!!

Now tomorrow I just have to do all the paper work again and can finally apply for my ID!!! YAY!

September 5, 2010


A few weeks ago I blogged about my work experience that could lead to potential employment at House Of Travel... Well today (1 week later) I finally got some feedback...


There was no negative feedback at all (I was the only one without it!! Woohoo). The only thing John (the boss) was concerned about was how young I am...But Janine (my tutor and ex travel agent from H.O.T) stood up for me and told him I'm probably one of the most mature people on course for my age. I quote "Having grown up on the Chatham Islands, she has had to learn to grow up pretty fast once she came to the mainland, age won't be a problem"

The only problem now is... He can't give me the job because 3 more people from other places are going in for the work experience and it's only fair they get a go...
So things are looking pretty good for me right now...

And... I'm 18 tomorrow!!!! yay!!!!

August 31, 2010

A Present!!!

If your a frequent reader of my blog, you may remember I wrote about buying my boyfriend a present. I found this really nice I.D bracelet...and thought I would share it with you. I need ideas on something cute to engrave on it...I'm thinking "Lyrics". Help?

August 22, 2010

Fingers Crossed

Hello Readers!!!

It has been a wee while since my last blog but my reason is legitamit!!! hehe.

All week I have been doing my work experience at House Of Travel Dunedin (it's a travel agency for those who don't know). I started on Monday along with another girl from course called Jess. I spent monday and Tuesday in Orbit Travel which is the corporate travel side of things. Time went fast as I sat with Tash and Lisa (the 2 domestic corporate travel consultants) ands learnt the ropes about how certain things worked. I got to refreshen my mind on how to work 'amadeus'; the computer reservation system and learn a little bit more about the other systems they use. It all was very interesting although I couldn't help but feel some of the men in the back didn't like having a nosey student hanging around.

Wednesday came and I had my last day at course before we went on break for a week. We had a small mid-year gradtiation as we would be broken up from our original classes and mixed up again. It kinda sucks knowing I won't be starting level 4 with my original class mates. We all became so close, almost like a wee family of our own. I will miss all the inside jokes some of us use to share...But there will always be lunch time!!!!

Sir George People
10DC02B - My class

Thursday and Friday were my last two days at H.O.T, this time I was back in the front with Leisure travel... Last time I was there (in May) I did two days there, so I already knew most things from sitting with the consultants. So I spent the 2 days mostly working with Sue, she works in processing which is pretty much putting the bits and peices together for travel agents and doing itineraries etc. I got to do a couple of things myself, it was kind of fun but I could imagine getting bored of it after a while. When I wasn't with Sue, I was doing bits and peices around the place for Ruth, the receptionist. While I was there, I got to meet and talk to John, the boss, a few times. I feel I made a pretty good impression on him, so fingers crossed he liked me!!!

I can't wait to hear from somebody about how things went for me at House Of Travel and if I made a good of impression as I think I have. I met a lady who was a sales rep for singapore airlines, who said it's not very often they request a student back, so they must see some potential in me (her words not mine).

Anyway thought I'd follow up on my last post and keep you all informed.... BUT!!! Stay tuned for my big news (which I'm not allowed to tell you yet!!!!)
