
September 22, 2010

My Summary of 2009

So I was just looking at my ANCIENT bebo page...just for the sake of it. And found this blog that I wrote at one point of my life... So thought I would write it here for me to remember.

2009?what to say. Well it wasn?t the best of years, 2008 still tops my list, but it was a good year and just like any other one, it had its high lights and its low lights (if that?s what you call them). I went back to school to start 6th form?ahhhh the torturous yet amazing year 12 clan of 2009.

With the start of a new year came the start of bigger responsibilities. My fellow year 12 boarders and I faced being the ?seniors? of The House. NCEA level 2 required a lot more effort in school along with the expectations of my teachers and not to mention my once scary dean, Ms. Robinson.

2009 was a very hard year. I feel like too many tears were wasted, too many smiles were taken for granted and trust and honesty were really put to the test. I apologise now for losing the friends I had and pushing those away who I never truly gave a chance. Some of the things I had done would not have been possible without my once then friend/s (you know who you are). The most valuable lesson I have learnt from my friends in 2009 was? ?I am nothing without my friends?. Yes, sounds a little emo and self-pitying but its true. My friends were always there to help me, and I wish there was some way I could?ve returned the favor (I.O.U).

2009 was not all bad; I made some of the best friends I could ever ask for (you GUYS know who you are too) and I would like to acknowledge them right now?

Leon Heydenrych (I?m sure that?s how you spell it lol) ? my taxi haha. You are one of the coolest guys I?ve ever met, I truly am lucky to have taken the opportunity to get to know you (considering the circumstances). I miss you like mad, and you so have to visit me in Dunedin coz I don?t think I could survive not having you in my life (yes honest).

Marco Zeelie ? Well I didn?t know you for as long as I would?ve hoped to but that?s ok, coz now I have plenty of time to still talk to you. Your incredibly funny!!! And always make me smile?especially when strawberries are involved (haha that?s not meant to sound kinky btw). Yes I gave you your first strawberry (and that is a memory I hope you will remember every time you eat one mwahahaha).

Emily McLaughlin ? I?ve known you for 2 years, but 2009 is when I believe we made a true connection (sound gay yet? Haha). There are so many memories I have with you, and I will always (hopefully) remember them. Whenever I?m scared, I?ll be sure to think of you. And whenever I need a good ?ol cry, you?ll be the first to know =]

They?re just a few from the top of my head.

The downs of 2009???

Well lets see, my first friends of TGHS and I had a bit of a falling out, but I had people to fall back on straight away. Good ?ol Emily and the gang were there and took me under their wing, so thanks a lot guys. You made me feel like I wasn?t totally hated and like nothing had happened in the first place. With every fall, comes a helping hand (well I?d like to think so).

And Lily Muir...I can?t forget you. Coz you were there in between all the shit and you stayed strong and never judged. You helped me then, and you still do. Please don?t forget me easily, coz I won?t forget you. I wanna keep in touch as much as possible this year.

Now the trusty Chatham Islanders who have been there all my life?

You made 2009 special in your own little way. Cheyenne, Tazmin, Porsha, all you guys and the rest of you chickies? Thank you! You have been there when I needed you, and for that, I am grateful. I love you all so much, and you will always have a spot in my heart.

So 2009 was eventful. There were so many things that happened in my life. And I am saving the biggest for last. I believe you shouldn?t regret things for too long (it can be unhealthy haha). Life is for living, and that is what I am trying to do. I want to move forward in my life and some of my biggest decisions were made in this year.

I made the decision to not return to school for 7th form and instead further my education at a college based on tourism. This meant I would leave home and face the ?big bad? world all on my own. So I am spending my summer bracing myself for the impact of independence. If I thought I was lonely now?just wait (right?). But if I have learnt just one thing from one of the most important people in my life: it is to be POSITIVE.

This leads me to the grand finale of 2009, my last thank you, goodbye and cherished moments go to this one person. Ben Boys; what to say about him? He touched my heart the way nobody else could. He made me smile when the world was getting me down and he let me feel the way I wanted to feel when I was too ashamed to let others see. However, all was not butterflies and flowers with this guy. We definitely had our bum moments. But he would always say the same thing, ?be positive?. My response was usually ?What?s so good about this/that?? but thinking about it now, I know. Ben taught me some pretty valuable lessons and he probably doesn?t even realise it.

Unfortunately, 2009 saw the end of our relationship. But saw a budding friendship instead. It was definitely hard and I don?t expect 2010 to be easier, but I expect it to be greater!

All I can say now, after reading 2010 is definitely BETTER! And Ben and I...for those who don't know... Got back together about a month after this was written :)

September 19, 2010

The Big 1.8!!!!!

Well on September 7th 2010 I officially became legal to drink!!! Until the law changes (whenever the hell that'll be) anyway. I turned 18 and had the best birthday in ages!!!!

I woke up at 6.15AM due to my Aunty Irene calling to say happy birthday. Where she is, it was 7AM so she was getting ready for work. We had a good catch up and she made me miss her (and home) so much. She ended up conning me (more like threatening) into giving her my bank account number and she put $100.00 into my account.

It was a Tuesday, so I thought course started at 10AM....but I was wrong... I rocked on in at 10 on the dot, and everyone was already in class!!!! Turns out that on Monday the week before (the day I wasn't at course) the tutors told the campus that class would start at 9AM on Tuesday's from now on!!! Thankfully, the tutor understood my predicament and didn't mark me absent!!! Yay for AnneMarie!!!

Course went well, although the weather wasn't great. Afterwards I came home and chilled for a bit before going to my friends; Stacey and Tereinamu's for dinner. Te (Tereinamu) cooked a delicicouse Shephards Pie!! mmm and Stacey made a yummy Chocolate and Banana Cake with Cadbury Crunchie chocolate in it!!!!

Then I came home...and had a peaceful FULL NIGHTS sleep for a change!!!
Yay for my birthday hehehe... Now to sort out my ID so I can go out with my friends!!!

Oh yes that predicament...The day after my birthday, I tried to apply for an 18+ card (an ID card proving my age)...I had my "birth certificate" and everything...I took it in for a soliciter to sign then BAM!!! it slapped me in the face...Turns out my birth certificate was really a "Proof of date of birth certificate" and couldn't be used for things like that (including my drivers license, passport and it shouldn't have even gotten me into my course!!!). So I got home that day and called my parents...Turns out they didn't have any other documents...So I had to order a new birth cert!!! Which finally came in the mail yesterday!!!

Now tomorrow I just have to do all the paper work again and can finally apply for my ID!!! YAY!

September 5, 2010


A few weeks ago I blogged about my work experience that could lead to potential employment at House Of Travel... Well today (1 week later) I finally got some feedback...


There was no negative feedback at all (I was the only one without it!! Woohoo). The only thing John (the boss) was concerned about was how young I am...But Janine (my tutor and ex travel agent from H.O.T) stood up for me and told him I'm probably one of the most mature people on course for my age. I quote "Having grown up on the Chatham Islands, she has had to learn to grow up pretty fast once she came to the mainland, age won't be a problem"

The only problem now is... He can't give me the job because 3 more people from other places are going in for the work experience and it's only fair they get a go...
So things are looking pretty good for me right now...

And... I'm 18 tomorrow!!!! yay!!!!