
April 27, 2010

Treasured Memories

Every picture has a story behind it xxx

 TGHS Hostel 2008
 Ben & I entering the Timaru Girls' High Ball 2009
Nick & Ben

 Beau & Me 2008/2009
 Ben & Me 2008
 Me horse riding 2009

 Uncle Willie and I on his Harley NightRider '09
TGHS hostel 2009 
The boys at the Chatham Island Races 2009/2010 getting a feed

April 25, 2010


Lastnight on my bus ride home from Ben's, I was thinking about how much weight I'd gained since the beginning of the year. Now I know I'm not fat, and I don't need to worry about my weight, but I do want to be fit again. So I came up with my plan to get more fit and healthy.

  • Drink more water - less chocolate milk
  • Have a variety of vegetables (at the moment I use mixed vegies in EVERYTHING)
  • Go for a run/walk/jog 3-4 times a week
In my mind this seems to be a pretty good start...It was supposed to start today (the walks/runs at least) however.... today the weather decided against my plans. It is typical Dunedin weather...cold and rainy...and I'm not a fan of running in the rain...dancing maybe...running NO.
So stay tuned we see how my attemp at getting fit goes!!!!
Starting tomorow hehehe

April 20, 2010

Long Lost and Found

Well newest news in my life....I've discovered new family members (thanks to Facebook!).
I was chatting to my Aunty Jackie (my mums full sister) on facebook and she told me she was talking to my 'uncle' in Aussie. I immediatly thought my Uncle Mike (my mums half brother)and asked what he was doing in Aussie, considering he lives in London. Then she told me that it was her mum's other child...
From what I know, this is the story... When my mum was little, her mother left her and my aunty with my Granddad. We knew she was currently living in Aussie, but mum never did anything to contact her.
Anyway.... Aunty Jackie told me his name so I Facebook "stalked" him. His name is I added him and started talking. Aunty Jackie then told me there are 2 other girls, Tiarne and Tanya. I added them too...Tiarne is younger than me!!! She's 16 years old. So now I am yarning to Tiarne and Tanya...not so much Jared, and its interesting really. Tanya has already called me her neice and is curious if I will be going to Aussie anytime soon. Her and her family (2 kids and husband) are coming to NZ for a holiday over Xmas, and if they don't make it, then coming over in February for Aunty Jackie's 40th!
So can't wait to find out more on my 'new' family =]

April 18, 2010

Emotions... who needs them?

So like usual, I went to Ben's this weekend. I arrived early (thanks to Lily giving me a ride from Dunedin). We had heaps of fun. It was a lazy weekend for me (like usual) and I played 'house-wifey', cleaning etc. But Sunday finally rolled around and it was time for me to leave =[
I started crying when it came close to Ben having to go to work. He leaves about 2ish so he's not home when I leave for the bus station. We were just sitting in the lounge eating lunch, so I excused myself and sat on the couch outside on the patio (it was sunny and warm). He came outside after about 15 minutes and saw me crying an immediatly thought it was because I wouldn't see him for a week. I shook my head and told him that wasn't the reason....The real reason... I think I love him again.
Now this is the dilemma.... We are only 17, so do we really know what love is????
And when I say again...this is because over the summer, Ben and I broke up after being together for over a year and a half. I took the brake up pretty hard, especially when I discovered he had got another girlfriend a few weeks later. Anyway we got back together in February (when I moved to Dunedin) and then after about a month...we went through yet another rough patch. This was because we both realised our feelings weren't exactly as strong as they use to be (which is understandable right?). But we knew we wanted to make it work again, and stuck at it... For ages we never said "I love you", we just started from scratch...
Back to the story... I explained to Ben that I was crying because I thought I loved him again, and was scared of it. I didn't want to 'fall in love' with someone who wasn't ready for that and then decide to leave me a few months down the track. He just sat there hugging me and explained that he did love me, but was too scared to say it because it didn't want to 'hurt me' again. The next thing I knew, I was balling my eyes out again because he said it, and from his face and voice, he genuinly ment it.
I find that I'm not scared to care anymore, and that I believe him when he tells me he doesn't want anyone else and won't leave me. I just hope it's the right thing to think. So anybody who reads this.... Do you think I'm doing the right thing? and is love all it seems???

April 12, 2010

Jodi Picoult

So at the moment, I am reading 2 books!!! Well sort of....
I was reading My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult  until I saw the movie at the Watson's. I only got through the first 4 chapters!!! That was bad on my behalf. I bought the dvd hoping to watch it AFTER i read the book but gave into temptation when my dad and Leo went to the pub and it was just Phillipa and I at home. I loved the movie, I actually cried in it...and I'm not the type of person to blub in movies. Anyway... I went to Ben's for the easter weekend, and he bought me a new book, House Rules by Jodi Picoult!!! Because I was home alone alot of the time that weekend, I spent alot of time reading...and I fell in love with the book, more than My Sisters keeper. It's about a teenage boy with Aspergers... it's a bit intense to read about everything this boy has to go through. Because he has trouble socialising, he became a clear suspect for murder in his home town. I havn't finished it yet... But am definitly planning to.
I think fans of Jodi or the movie (My Sisters Keeper) should take the time to read this book, or even any other of her books...Definitely worth the read.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes =]

April 11, 2010


Movies i saw in DUNEDIN!!!

This movie was great. I was having a down day so my dear friend Hamish decided to shout me to a chick flick (good idea on his behalf). It's definitely a good laugh and I loved it... I recommend it to any comedy/semi-romantic type of girl =]

I saw this in 3D with my flat mate Stacey. It was pretty cool. We kinda expected it to be really weird and maybe a little scary (being directed by Tim Burton and all), but went in with a bunch of little 8 year olds. It was weird...well unusual for Alice in Wonderland, but a good movie. 3D made it so amazing!! Everyone was "wow-ing" and gasping at everything that was thrown at us. I can't really imagine it being a good movie without 3D now...the 3D was the only thing we left the cinema talking about honestly.

OMGosh...this movie gave me the creepers!!! Hamish decided we should see we did...and i don't regret it because it wasn't really that bad (me being the supernatural freak that I am). If you didn't read the pretty much says it all... this is based on WEREWOLVES!!! not like New Moon style werewolves either. The frights weren't bad though, they were more like somebody-walking-around-the-corner-and-spooking-you-a-little-kinda-frights. I think if you were going to watch this (girls I mean)...have your blanket handy to hide under... It can get a little gross.

Aafter watching Wolfman, Hamish and I went straight into another theatre to watch Percy Jackson and the Lightening Theif. This movie was based on a teenage boy who turned out to be the son of a Roman God and was framed to look like he stole Zeus' lightening. as you may have guessed by now... It's a PG film. Suitable for pretty much anybody. No violence or R rated scenes but a good story line in the end. I liked it =]

Like most people in New Zealand, I went to see Avatar. My boyfriend Ben and I went together, he liked it, and hadn't bothered to tell me he had already seen the movie. I liked this movie, but I left a little disappointed. Everyone had hyped it up to be this AMAZING movie...and sure it was good..but not as good as everyone made it sound... But I would most likely go see it again =]

Lucky Number One

For the past hour, I have been contemplating on whether or not to make this blog. I have a diray of my own that I write in, it's actually a large text book with tear out pages, I put photos and cut outs into and write about pretty much everything...It's my creative side coming out. I thought maybe one "diary" would be enough...But then I thought... This blog doesn't have to be a diary, just every now and then I can come online, type about my day/week/month etc, and not get too in depth about emotions as I do in my written diary.

Another advantage... People I barely keep in touch with can read this, I can post photos on it and write about anything other than MY DAY!!!! Its amazing hahaha.

So after telling myself I would write this...I spent another 10 minutes thinking of a title!!! And this seems to be the ONE!

For two being this is my first blog and the other being I had a great weekend that made me feel like I was number one!

On Thursday night my boyfriend (Ben) came down. We see each other almost every weekend as he lives about 2 hours away and is a full time dairy farmer. He was meant to arrive on Friday night, but managed to get a ride with his friend on Thursday and surprised me. I was so happy and excited and he could see it. I pretty much threw myself at him when I opened the door...Anyone would've thought I hadn't seen him for ages!!! When really it had only been 3 or 4 days.

That night was epic. I was so tired but so excited I just couldn't sleep!!! We talked and talked and if we had heaps to catch up on. The next day I had course...and that dragged on. I just wanted to go home because I knew Ben would be there...But 4 o'clock couldn't come more slowly! We went into town pretty much straight after and saw his friend Tereinamu and his older sister Stacey. It was awkward for me to start off with because I'm a little shy around people and will only put my 5 cents in if I feel the need, whereas these two just talked....alot. I didn't mind listening though, I liked hearing all their yarns with Ben...Ben's as much of a talker as they are.

Afterwards we went to the movies. We saw Boy, based on a little Maori boys life somewhere in the north island in the 70's/80's. The trailers made it look so funny, that I went in with high expectations. Now don't get me wrong...It was good, but not THAT good. Then afterwards we went back to Stacey's flat.

We didn't get home til 1.00am, i was knacked. The next day we were meant to go to the Circus at 2...But i felt like curling up to Ben in bed =]..we didn't get ready til around 1. We got there 5 minutes late, but didn't matter in the end seen as Ben had a hair appointment at 3.15 and the show went for 2 hours. We decided to go at 7.

The Circus was amazing!!! It was just a bunch of Chinese acrobats that just made everyone gasp at everything they did. At one point, two guys were doing a show and were high up in the air...I seriously felt scared for them! It was awesome! Afterwards wasn't as good though. It was freezing cold and we had to walk home, luckily i left my heater on so it would be nice and warm hehe. Ben and I just layed in bed and talked afterwards. He told me the sweetest things, I felt like I didn't have to worry anymore...everything felt like how it use to...before all the drama started and all the excuses and worrying.

Today was good too. On Thursday I told Ben he should see his mum this weekend, considering he hadn't seen her in a while, and today he finally did. We went out to lunch with her, his step dad, little brother and little sister. His mum was so cute when she saw him, she just embraced she never wanted to let him go. It felt like a pretty honest and special moment from where I was sitting. He and his mum just talked, while I sat there yet again just listening...But I didn't mind. It made me feel good that Ben was happy and in a good place with his family. I tend to worry alot about him being by himself. I know he's a big boy, and I don't have to "mother" him, but when I have to sit there and see how much he admires his family and still be so distant from hurts...I hate seeing him upset, especially since I can't really do alot about it apart from try to take his mind off it.

When he left his mum's house, he didn't exactly leave on a gooCheck Spellingd note, so to see how happy he was today really made my day. When they left, Ben went quite. I knew he missed her already, even though he wouldn't admit it..stubborn as a horse he is. I would've just hugged him then and there on the street if we weren't on such a mission to get to the bus station.

Anyway now I'm back at my flat and Ben is most likely comered in his own bed on the farm. I feel like something is missing from my room. I got so use to having Ben here (along with the mess on the floor) and now its gone. And he doesn't have his phone, so I can't talk to him..and maybe not get to his house next weekend....what a bum way to end the day. But thinking about my weekend seems to outshine it....