
August 31, 2010

A Present!!!

If your a frequent reader of my blog, you may remember I wrote about buying my boyfriend a present. I found this really nice I.D bracelet...and thought I would share it with you. I need ideas on something cute to engrave on it...I'm thinking "Lyrics". Help?

August 22, 2010

Fingers Crossed

Hello Readers!!!

It has been a wee while since my last blog but my reason is legitamit!!! hehe.

All week I have been doing my work experience at House Of Travel Dunedin (it's a travel agency for those who don't know). I started on Monday along with another girl from course called Jess. I spent monday and Tuesday in Orbit Travel which is the corporate travel side of things. Time went fast as I sat with Tash and Lisa (the 2 domestic corporate travel consultants) ands learnt the ropes about how certain things worked. I got to refreshen my mind on how to work 'amadeus'; the computer reservation system and learn a little bit more about the other systems they use. It all was very interesting although I couldn't help but feel some of the men in the back didn't like having a nosey student hanging around.

Wednesday came and I had my last day at course before we went on break for a week. We had a small mid-year gradtiation as we would be broken up from our original classes and mixed up again. It kinda sucks knowing I won't be starting level 4 with my original class mates. We all became so close, almost like a wee family of our own. I will miss all the inside jokes some of us use to share...But there will always be lunch time!!!!

Sir George People
10DC02B - My class

Thursday and Friday were my last two days at H.O.T, this time I was back in the front with Leisure travel... Last time I was there (in May) I did two days there, so I already knew most things from sitting with the consultants. So I spent the 2 days mostly working with Sue, she works in processing which is pretty much putting the bits and peices together for travel agents and doing itineraries etc. I got to do a couple of things myself, it was kind of fun but I could imagine getting bored of it after a while. When I wasn't with Sue, I was doing bits and peices around the place for Ruth, the receptionist. While I was there, I got to meet and talk to John, the boss, a few times. I feel I made a pretty good impression on him, so fingers crossed he liked me!!!

I can't wait to hear from somebody about how things went for me at House Of Travel and if I made a good of impression as I think I have. I met a lady who was a sales rep for singapore airlines, who said it's not very often they request a student back, so they must see some potential in me (her words not mine).

Anyway thought I'd follow up on my last post and keep you all informed.... BUT!!! Stay tuned for my big news (which I'm not allowed to tell you yet!!!!)


August 6, 2010


Hi readers!

I have some pretty amazing news... hehe

So in May, I did 2 days work experience at House Of Travel (NZ travel agency) because being a travel consultant is my DREAM job! I mean, who doesn't wanna travel the world for free????
Yesterday afternoon while sitting in class, my campus manager came in and said he had some news for us... H.O.T had 2 weeks work experience coming up for 2 lucky students (1 week each)....This was so cool, because it was more indepth work experience...Not just sitting with Consultants but actually learning the ropes. Even BETTER news.... I got one of the spots...HOT had requested me to go and learn from them!

The best part of this though...Is the fact that this is going to be like one big long interview. And the end of the work experience, they might offer me a full time job as a travel agent!!!! BEFORE I GRADTUATE!!!
I would be amazingly lucky if I got the job offer! Not being fully qualified and all... Of course this would mean I would still need to be doing some learning (through corrospondence I suppose)...But at least I will be getting paid at the same time.

So I called Ben lastnight and told him about it, and explained that if I took the job, I wouldn't be able to move in with him next year (he lives about an hour and a half out of Dunedin for those who don't know). He got angry at me because I hesitated in deciding what I would do...Take the work experience and go for the job....or move in with Ben and find a job at another travel agency... WHAT TO DO!!!???
Ben makes me so so so happy. I don't enjoy living in Dunedin anymore. I feel miserable and lonely. I'm pretty much a broke student and can't afford to do anything, and before you suggest friends (which I do have btw) we don't exactly hang out outside of course. Ben is what reminds me of why I'm here. He helped me get into the course and start working towards my long term goal. I want nothing more than to make him (and my family) proud of me. I told him that I was looking forward to living with him, I wouldn't have to feel so alone anymore. Which was a main reason of why I hesitated accepting the work experience.
But he pretty much bashed it into my head and reminded me that he never really has chosen me over work and if I was to do that to him, it's a one way guilt trip on him. He assured me nothing would change between us and everything would be ok, What were the chances I would get another chance like this right???

So after a few tears and hair pulling, I made up my mind, and walked confidently into course this morning and told my campus manager I would do the work experience!!!
BRING IT ON! Is all I can tell myself at the moment...

Stay posted to find out more about this amazing opportunity!

August 3, 2010

What to buy...

Ok, I have this buy my boyfriend a slaves (I.D) bracelet...I bought one for him about a year ago and he loved it, unfortunately...he lost it around the time we broke up in December. It cost me about $200 (including engraving) so I was a little annoyed. But I think theyr such awesome presents!!!

I then considered that instead of buying him yet another one that he could lose...why not a Greenstone necklace??? But, his ex-girlfriend bought him one and he doesnt wear it anymore...would it be a bit odd to buy him one from me?

AND THEN.... there was one day when I was wasting time in the mall, and I looked at some watches....unfortunately not in my price range...

So readers.... What could be the PERFECT present for my boyfriend who is constantly spoiling ME!???

Dear Long Lost Friend...

Dear Long Lost Friend,

I feel we have not had a proper chat in so so long! I remember when we would stay up til the early hours of the morning and would be so close to running out of things to say (or the energy to say it)...but we still forced something out of our mouths, even if it was just one word.

I remember getting scared in your little caravan (stupid possums!) and even the rats and locking the dog inside to catch them!!!

I remember eating 1-2 tubs of Goody Goody Gum Drop Ice-Cream in your mums bed all day long, with the electric blanket on and movies playing constantly.

I remember our families having dinner together at least EVERY Friday/Sunday Night!!! And your mum's delicious Caramel Dumplings!

Hehehe I even rememeber the fun games we use to play, like pretending our mountain bikes were Cars (mine was a VW) and being Water Babies in the swimming pool. Speaking of bikes, I remember the mission to bike to Jackies for junk food and DVD's. I remember playing Barbies all day, dressing the teddie bears in clothes (even the dog got dressed up a couple of times) and when we were introduced to Bratz, well... they ruled our life for a wee while there.

My dearest friend... I wish we could reminice together, instead alone infront of a computer...
It's really not that fair.

I guess, I am just writing this letter to say.. I Miss You!
I've missed you ever since I was shipped off on that lil old plane to highschool without you....I missed you even more when you took that big leap to Aussie and I missed you even MORE when I saw how much fun your having without me...and how lonely it makes me feel... But I know nothing can beat what we have and have shared... I still love you, you're still my sister...and that can't change.

All my aroha to you and your new life....Best wishes...Take Care..

Your Long Lost Friend xoxoxox

August 2, 2010

Some Photo Edits =]

Here's some photo editing I've done...basically just playing around....enjoy =]
Kaingaroa Wharf

A Life Without You Is A Life Unlived