
December 19, 2010


On Friday I was sitting at the back of work doing Tabs (not the gambling kind) when I heard my tutors voice at the front desk. I heard her ask someone if I was in, so I stood up and ran out to her. I had a feeling she was there to talk to me about IATA (International Air Transport Association). It was a 2 week topic we studied at course involving alot of work!! At the end we had to sit an exam that we were all dreading but did anyway.

To begin with you had to sit a test to be able to do IATA. It had strict rules throughout the subject, which resulted in alot of hair loss. Anyway back to the story... I said 'hi' to Janine (the tutor) and saw that she was holding a large envelope. I asked if it was IATA and she just smiled and said "congratulations, you passed"!!!

Now I am fully qualified!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can have any job in the tourism industry!!! YAY! hehe.

December 11, 2010

The Cutest Thing!!!

This weekend Ben came to Dunedin. Friday night I told him how it had been nearly a year since I walked on the beach, so Ben suggested we went on Saturday. Unfortunately we couldn't because we didn't have time and the weather forcast wasn't looking good and Sunday I had to work.

I went to work today and saw Ben on my lunch break and about 5 minutes before he had to catch the bus home. He told me he had a surprise waiting for me at home... I spent the rest of my day fidgeting and watching the clock.... Eventually it hit 6:30pm and I was able to leave work. When I got home, this is what I found on my bedroom floor...

Ben made my very own beach at home!!!
On top of the sand he left a note for me... I couldn't help but shed a few tears. The note was SUPER cute and the whole idea behind the surprise was definitely sweet.

It's nice to know that boys can still be cute and romantic.. when they want to hehe.

THANK YOU BABY!!! xoxoxox

December 2, 2010

On The Hunt

A few months ago; Stacey, Tereinamu and I decided we were going to flat together. Their current lease ends at the end of the month and mine ends in February... So we have been on a crazy hunt for a place to live.... Along with the help of Paula (Stacey and Ben's mum). It's almost time for Te and Stacey to countdown the days til they move out so things are getting a little hectic!!!!

We currently only have 1 flat that we're happy to live in... But it has it's let downs so we're keeping our options open. What do you think of it...

The picures make it look good... But thats the same with EVERY house. It's not the flashest house but we can make it our own with bits and peices here and there.

Today Paula and I went to look at another flat... IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! The floor boards were so squeaky and one room didn't even deserve to be called a bedroom!!! So afterwards, we drove up and down plenty of streets, keeping an eye out for signs offering a house to let. So when I got home, I went and looked at the house next door to mine.

This one is 3 flats in 1 house. I wasn't impressed with it... But then again it could have been the tenants. It was a mess. A cupboard door was missing, the oven looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years, the bathroom was slightly bigger than the width of a door frame (and not to mention GROTTY), I could hit my head on the roof if I was in the shower. The only thing I was impressed of was the size of the bedroom. They weren't HUGE but they were bigger than  I thought they would be.

Anyway...Here's hoping we find somewhere soon!